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Medicine and Classics


Dr Luis Zea Uribe (1872-1934)


Dr Luis ZEA URIBE, Colombian physician, surgeon, and professor. Official of the French Academy; Honorary Member of the National Academy of Medicine (president, 1932), Société d’Astronomie de France. Professor of bacteriology in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Colombia for more than 20 years. Director of hygiene of the city of Bogotá during three years. Member of the National Grand Council of Hygiene, 1913. Deputy to the Assembly of the Department of Cundinamarca during two terms. Representative to the National Congress, 1920-1921, 1925-1926, and 1928-1929. Inspector general of hygiene of the Department of Atlántico, 1933. Professor of biology in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Colombia.

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Dr Adolfo de Francisco Zea

Colombia, 1928 - 2021

Dr. Adolfo De Francisco Zea is a prominent Colombian cardiologist, psychoanalysis scholar, author, researcher, university professor. Honorary Member of the National Academy of Medicine, the Colombian Academy of History, and the Academy of History of Bogotá. Distinguished Member of the Colombian Society of Psychoanalysis and Honorary Member of the Societies of Psychiatry, Cardiology, Internal Medicine, Rehabilitation and Phthisiology. Founding Member of the Colombian Society of History of Medicine. He has been Director of the Social Security Institute, the San Carlos Hospital Foundation and the San Carlos Hospital Center and the San Juan de Dios Hospital Center. He was one of the founders of the Shaio Clinic and Emeritus Member of the Santa Fe de Bogotá Foundation.

Humanismo y Medicina 

The research explores relationships that exist between medicine and the fine arts, specifically music and painting.


El Mundo Psicologico de Kafka

The study sheds lights on some specific aspects of life, work and personality of Franz Kafka in an attempt to understand the influence that these could have had on the  development of his literary work.


Producciones Escogidas 

Selected works on medicine, philosophy, spiritism by Luis Zea Uribe


Cultivo del Bacilo de Eberth

A description of the first serodiagnosis of typhoid fever undertaken in South America


La Locura de Don Quijote

The study examines Don Quijote’s alleged insanity based on extensive clinical and psychiatric considerations carried out in conjunction with secular philosophical concepts. 


Juan de Dios, Carrasquilla, Hombre de Ciencia 

This work represents biography of Juan de Dios Carrasquilla, one of the illustrious doctors of the end of the 19th century, when the great scientific revolution unleashed with the discovery of the microbial origin of diseases. Juan de Dios Carrasquilla was responsible for making the gradual transition from the clinical visions of the past to the scientific conceptions providing solutions to medical problems and research, in particular in the field of leprosy, the most fearsome disease of the epoch.


Luis Zea Uribe: Su Vida y Su Epoca

The book studies the important highlights of professional life of Luis Zea Uribe.


Mirando al Misterio

This is a contribution to the study of mediumistic phenomena and their projections on the moral and religious concepts.


Other documentaries 

This Section is under development. Please check for further updates.

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